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US$ američki dolar€ evro£ britanska funtaAED UAE dirhamARS argentinski pezosAU$ australijski dolarBGN levR$ realCA$ kanadski dolarCHF švajcarski franakCLP čileanski pezosCN¥ juanCOP kolumbijski pezosKč češka krunaDKK danska krunaEGP egipatska funtaHK$ hongkonški dolarHUF forintaIDR indonežanska rupija₪ šekelINR indijska rupija¥ jen₩ vonMX$ novi meksički pezosMYR ringitNOK norveška krunaNZ$ novozelandski dolarzl zlotRON rumunski lejRUB ruska rubljaSAR saudijski rijalSEK švedska krunaSGD singapurški dolar฿ tajlandski batTL turska nova liraNT$ novi tajvanski dolarUAH grivna₫ Vijetnamski dongZAR rand
Shipra Sanganeria
Shipra Sanganeria is a freelance writer and researcher with a strong
interest in new technologies and their socio-economic impact.
Previously, she worked as a freelance writer and market researcher for
companies in the technology and finance sectors. In her free time,
she’s an amateur photographer and baking enthusiast who enjoys diving
into psychological thrillers and exploring free courses to enhance her
research skills and creativity.